Cap Loss Forward
Also known as Limit Loss Forward
Last updated
Also known as Limit Loss Forward
Last updated
The Cap Loss Forward combines an OTM option with a synthetic forward. The strategy enables the client to gain the protection of a forward position, whilst at the same time limiting the maximum negative mark-to-market (loss) that would otherwise arise were the forward to settle OTM.
The strategy is typically offered as a zero cost solution where the cost of the OTM option is funded by adjusting the synthetic forward rate.
At expiry if EURUSD fixes:
Above the Strike, the client is fully protected at the Strike on 100% of the Notional.
Below the Strike but above the OTM Call Strike, the client will find itself obligated to trade at the Strike level on 100% of the Notional.
Below the OTM Call Strike, the client rate will improve by 1pip for every pip that EURUSD fixes below the Call Strike.
Payoff = Min(Strike -(OTM Call Strike - Spot),Strike)